ETC – 2017 Key Speakers

ЕТС-2017 Key speakers Hiroyuki Yamada Senior Deputy Director Maritime Safety Division IMO Markku Mylly Executive Director EMSA Kuba Szymanski Secretary General InterManager Kimberly Karlshoej Head of The ITF Seafarers’ Trust Aron Frank Sørensen Head of Maritime Technology & Regulation BIMCO Rajesh Tandon Chairman IMEC Pradeep Chawla Managing Director Anglo-Eastern Ship Management Norman Schmiedl Crewing Director … Read more

ETC-2016 The Nautical Institute Report

4th International Forum on Seafarers’ Education, Training & Crewing (ETC 2016)

Odessa, 20-21 April


There was a good, international mix of presenters at this now well established Forum efficiently organised by the Odessa National Maritime Academy which has recently been granted University status. The Rector, Professor Mykhalyo Miyusov, exercised a quiet authority over proceedings combined with warm hospitality and it was good to see that the TK Foundation had funded a significant attendance of cadets. A feature throughout the two days was the enthusiasm of these bright, young entrants to our industry and the searching questions they posed to most of the speakers within the sessions and during the meal breaks.

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17 countries participate in the conference and exhibition ETC-2016

More than 70 organizations and companies from 17 countries participate in the conference and exhibition ETC-2016
Dear participants and guests of the International Forum on Seafarers’ Education, Training and Crewing (ETC-2016)

International Forum on Seafarer’s Education, Training and Crewing is being held for the 4th time. Traditionally, the Forum has been supported by International Transport Federation (ITF), International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC), BIMCO, InterManager, International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), the Nautical Institute, the Institute of Maritime Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

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